
Friday, 9 November 2012

Apologies and a whole load of activities

Well as you can see it's been a while. Early September was the last time i posted.

It has been a hellish couple of months with my dad being so ill and having to move him into a home and all that that entails. I haven't exactly been on top form as a mom if I'm honest, lack of sleep and stress can do that for a girl. I have tried to do at least one nice thing with Ninky a week, but if truth be told this is probably more to assuage my own guilt than due to the sheer joy of being with him. This is not how i like to roll.

 Things have settled a little bit now. There is still a lot of work to be done sorting my dads finances etc but he is now settled, safe and well cared for. I hadn't realised how much stress and worry i had been carrying round with me until he was sorted and i could relax, its like a ton of sharp stones have been removed from my stomach that i hadn't even known i was carrying. 

So while all this has been going on its fair to say i haven't exactly got the hang of this blogging lark, i haven't had the time to sit down and learn. This is going to change peeps.

 I really long to be as interesting and inspiring as some of my favourite bloggers, dirt and boogers, the imagination tree and Nurturestore just to name a few, these ladies seem organised, clear, inspiring and down to earth all at the same time. Coming up with amazing advise and activities while never making you feel any less of a fantastic mom for not thinking of these things first. This is what i aspire too!!!
Don't know how I'm going to get there yet but I'm going to try.

The first step towards this is setting myself up a little workspace. I've had my dads old computer, it may need a bit of upgrading but its newer than my laptop and he cant use it anymore. I'm going to set myself up a little corner desk at the back of the living room and get myself organised. Step two is asking for a 'how to blog' type book for Christmas. Then with a little bit of time, who knows i could be totally taking the blogging world by storm ; )

Watch this space.....

So now on to the activities. I'm going to put them in separate posts so they are easier to find and search for, i hope this is the right thing to do. Some may be a little out of date but they will be here for next year.

Thanks for reading and ill try to post more often from now on. Your patience is much appreciates at this horrible time.

P x

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