
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Hi Everyone, Just a quick post to say sorry for my absence. Things have been stressful lately to say the least. My dad has had a series of strokes and is still in hospital. Its been decided he cant go home to his flat so we are having to find alternative accommodation that will meet his care needs as neither me or my sister are in a position to have him with us unfortunately. This is all unchartered territory to us so its scary and i feel a little lost to be honest. Its also so sad to see your big strong dad brought so low. I guess i just have to be thankful for the 70 odd years he had rude health. On a lighter note now. I love the Autumn. The colours, the clothes, that chill in the air and the new beginnings. The school year just feels right to start a fresh, much better than the new year when its so dark and gloomy. I don't have anything major to start really but i just like the feeling. Ninky on the other hand is taking a bit step. He is going to playgroup! Its 3 hours one day a week on his own. I haven't left him with many people so its a big deal but he liked the introduction session well enough. I'm hoping it will help him get over his shyness and mix more with other children. He has a little t-shirt and a book bag, so cute! Now on to some of the activities we've bee doing recently. Jackson Pollock painting. So much fun and worked well with the children from 2-9 that we had with us that day. I got this general idea of Pinterest but didn't pin it so cant find it to credit now. In any case i didn't really follow their method just took inspiration from it. I got some small shoe boxes of Ninkys and some plastic take away containers. I cut paper to fit into them and the put about 4 elastic bands around the boxes width ways. The children then painted the underside of the elastic band and pinged the bands to transfer the paint to the paper. They loved this, causing my friend's 7 year old to exclaim he loved my brain cause i had such great ideas. High praise indeed ; ) I did try to show the kids who Jackson Pollock was and some of his work but the sun was shinning and we all just wanted to be outside getting messy so i didn't push it when they weren't really fussed. Lesson learnt. Ill ad more activities we did this summer later on. Thanks for reading MommyMuggles x
Sitting in the sun with our boxes and paint
Showing the little ones how its done
They were really animated and focussed
The results, so prety. Im going to frame ours as i love them so much

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